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CRF Community Table Application

Join us at the table


As we head into another year of uncertainty and great need in our communities, especially Black, Brown, Indigenous, Immigrant, Refugee, and Asylum-seeking (BIPOC) communities who are disproportionately impacted by the global pandemic, Good Shepherd Food Bank’s CRF Team invites members of the public, especially members of BIPOC communities, to be participants on the CRF Community Table.

As a participant of Good Shepherd Food Bank’s CRF Community Table, you will be empowered and supported as part of a team of collective decision-makers reviewing and together approving funding requests for projects that help address food insecurity among Maine’s BIPOC communities. In addition, participants will serve in an advisory capacity to help the CRF Team improve and develop criteria used to review and approve funding requests.

More details

Breaking down barriers to participation.

Understanding that the CRF Community Table will require significant time, effort, and energy for participants, and acknowledging that many BIPOC community members are often asked to provide their expertise free of cost, the Food Bank is committed to providing stipends, staff support, and reasonable accommodations to encourage participation from people of all backgrounds and abilities.

Participants will be provided with an orientation packet and a 1-hour onboarding session. During this session, participants will learn more about the Food Bank’s mission/vision and how we operate in the state of Maine, as well as the opportunity to ask questions and provide input on the structure of the review process, eligibility criteria, timeline, and guiding principles. Participants are required to attend the Food Bank’s CRF Community Table Review Committee in April 2022, likely a Saturday, with more details to come.

Participation at-a-glance

  • Stipend: $500
  • Timeframe: Mid-January to Mid-May
  • Estimated Minimum Time Commitment: 5 Hours
  • February: Orientation and Q&A Session (1 hour)
  • April: Community Table Review Retreat (3 hours)
  • May: Final Approval Meeting (1 hour)

Community Table Participant Process Timeline

  • January: Open Invitation to Community Table
  • Early February: Confirm Community Table Participants
  • Mid-February: Orientation and Q&A Session for Participants
  • March 1: CRF Application and Review Process Begins
  • April: Community Table Review Retreat
  • Mid-May: Final Approval Meeting