Community Fundraiser Spotlight – Cookie Love 207
All across the state, Mainers are helping their communities fight hunger by coordinating creative fundraisers to raise awareness and funds to help feed Mainers in need. With her family’s help, student Maggie Cook, created Cookie Love 207 with the sole mission to give back and help her community. Her last batch of cookies benefited Good Shepherd Food Bank, raising enough to total 6,710 meals for Mainers in need. We interviewed Maggie to learn a little more about Cookie Love 207, her inspiration, and what spurred such a creative idea to help her local communities.

Q: Tell us a little about you, why you love baking cookies, and giving back.
A: I enjoy playing field hockey and lacrosse and spending time with my loved ones. I love to bake cookies because baking is a thing that has always come naturally to me, and I’ve been making chocolate chip cookies for a long time now. Since I love to bake, I figured I should do something with it and give back to the community and help others through this challenging time. Giving back and helping others who need it is an amazing feeling, and it is always a good thing to be kind to others
Q: Please share more about Cookie Love 207. Why? How? Where? And what other organizations benefit from your cookies?
A: My family and I came up with Cookie Love 207 to give back and help the community. I bake giant cookies, and people donate however much they want and 100% of the money we raise goes to the organization we chose for that batch. We’ve raised money for the Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital and the Maine Cancer Foundation.
Q: What inspired you to make Good Shepherd Food Bank the beneficiary of your cookie batch?
A: I chose Good Shepherd Food Bank because many people have trouble getting enough food in general, and the pandemic has made it even harder since many people have lost their jobs.
Q: After seeing the direct impact of your gift, please share how this made you feel.
A: After hearing how much my donation could help and all that it could be used for, I was shocked! It made me very happy to know that we could help get good food for others. The community’s support has made this whole thing so amazing, the support of friends, family, and others really made a huge difference.
We’re are grateful that Cookie Love 207 chose to support our critical hunger-relief work! Thank you, Maggie and Cookie Love 207.
Each year, dozens of community members host fundraisers to raise funds and awareness for the Food Bank. If you have a great idea and want to give back in this way, you can tell us more about your community fundraiser here.