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Feed Maine Telethon Volunteer Resources

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Credit cards on a salmon background

Credit Card Donations

Check drawing on salmon background

Check Donations

Video tutorial drawing/icon on salmon background

Video Tutorial

Feed Maine Volunteer Phone Script

“Hello, this is [__________] – thanks for calling NEWS CENTER Maine’s Feed Maine Telethon. Would you like to make a donation? Wonderful! Will you be using your credit card today?

Credit Card Donation
  • Open your browser to!/donation/checkout and complete the transaction.
  • Please do not click the red “Donate” button on the website header to process telethon donations. This is the general website donation form, and gifts made through this button won’t count toward the Feed Maine Telethon.
  • Our system requires an email address to process credit card payments. We will email a receipt, but no other communications to a donor when the “It’s okay to contact me in the future” is unchecked. If a donor does not have an email address to provide, please use telethon24 + volunteer last name + sequential number For example, and (for your next donation).
  • Ask the donor if they would like to cover the credit card processing fees associated with their donation.
  • Be sure that the credit card goes through. After you submit the transaction, you will see a transaction confirmation page. You can say, “Thank you for your donation. A confirmation will be sent to the email address you provided. Thanks for your support, goodbye!”
  • If the donor has selected recurring billing, please let them know that they will be billed automatically at the same time each month or quarter.
Check Donation

Although the food bank prefers a credit card donation, some may call wanting to pledge and send a check through the mail.

  • Open your browser to the Pledge Form (
  • Let them know checks should be made out to and sent to Good Shepherd Food Bank
  • Memo must be filled with “Feed Maine Telethon”
  • Mailing address: 3121 Hotel Road, Auburn, ME 04210
  • Complete the required fields on the Google pledge form.
  • Some may wish for the Food Bank to send a remit envelope to them. Please specify this in the question section.
  • Be sure the pledge form goes through. You’ll see a confirmation page. “Thank you for your support! We hope you have a great day/night. Goodbye.”
If someone calls for food assistance:

Thank them for reaching out and provide them with Good Shepherd Food Bank’s URL:

A food map on the Good Shepherd Food Bank’s website will give them all the information needed to contact their local emergency food provider. It is located under “Get Help” and then “Food Map.”

Volunteer FAQs

When should I be ready for my shift?

Please be set up and ready to go 15 minutes prior to your volunteer time. We will begin to switch out cell numbers (the public will never have your number) as the shifts change so it will be helpful if you are set and ready to go. Lag time at the end of your shift may be up to 15 minutes as we switch out the phone numbers. Have your chargers for laptops and cell phones ready to go.

If the donor does not want to provide us with an email address

If a donor does not want to provide an email address, please use telethon24 + volunteer last name + sequential number

For example, and (for your next donation).

The donation form requires an email address to make a gift using a credit card. It is a required field.

What if for some reason you are no longer able to process donations?

Please contact Kim ASAP. It will take about 15 minutes for your phone to be turned off. Thus if you receive calls during that time, please take a message and send it to Kim who will then send it to a Food Bank staff member to process.


Kim Charland

Phone: 207-450-1343


What if I need help with technical issues?

Call, email, or text:


Kim Charland

Phone: 207-450-1343


What was that hashtag again?

Social media hashtag is #FeedMaine so take a picture of yourself on the phone during your shift and post with this hashtag asking friends and viewers to call (post the number to call…we will send that number out on Thursday, and it will be at the bottom of the screen all day.)

What if the caller has a question I can’t answer?

  • Write down their name and number to reach them at.
  • Tell them someone will call them back.
  • Email Kim from NEWS CENTER Maine with caller’s name, number, and question. We will then call them back as soon as we can.


Kim Charland

Phone: 207-450-1343


What are Matching Mainers hours?

There will be one Matching Mainers hour on May 2 during the live newscasts. That means if you donate during this hour, Hannaford Supermarkets will match donations made during this hour.

5:30 to 6:30 PM – Hannaford Supermarkets

What is Feed Maine?

Working together for the past seven years, NEWS CENTER Maine and Good Shepherd Food Bank are inspired by the support viewers have shown for Mainers experiencing food insecurity. Together, we’ve raised $1,759,838. Funds raised will help improve access to nutritious and culturally relevant food for people in need across the state.

Is my donation tax-deductible?

Yes. Callers should consult with their tax professional for questions about individual deductions, etc.

Who will receive help from these funds?

As the largest hunger-relief organization in Maine, Good Shepherd Food Bank provides for Mainers facing hunger by distributing nutritious food to more than 600 partner agencies across the state, including food pantries, meal sites, schools, health care centers, and senior programs.

Together with its network, the Food Bank leads a statewide effort to combat the root causes of hunger by engaging in advocacy, nutrition education, and strategic partnerships. Last year, the Food Bank distributed 33.6 million meals to families, children, and seniors in need throughout Maine.

Funds raised from the Feed Maine Telethon will provide unrestricted support to help eliminate hunger in Maine by improving access to nutritious and culturally relevant food to people in need, building strong community partnerships, and mobilizing the public in the fight to end hunger.

Why should I give to Feed Maine?

As Maine’s largest hunger-relief organization, we are singularly positioned and uniquely qualified to mobilize a statewide effort to end hunger in Maine.

Working with food donors, philanthropic supporters, and local partners across the state, we work to eliminate hunger in Maine by improving access to nutritious and culturally relevant food for people in need, building strong community partnerships, and mobilizing the public in the fight to end hunger.

What if someone wants to volunteer?

Learn more about volunteering at Good Shepherd Food Bank’s website:

Helpful hints before your volunteer time

Turn off AutoFill, and be sure to save this page to your favorites toolbar.

You can find instructions here.

Volunteer Tutorial Video