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Sourcing Initiatives

We assist federal USDA Commodity Foods Programs to support Maine residents with the nutrient-dense food necessary for a healthy life. Through these programs, we are able to pack and distribute 6,000-9,000 boxes of supplemental foods every month to individuals and families across our state.

A man using a forklift to move several boxes of food

Federal assistance for Maine residents

We assist federal programs to be more accessible at a local level.

Senior Boxes (CSFP)

The Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) works to improve the health of people ages 60+ by supplementing their diets with the nutritious USDA commodity foods they need to live healthier lives.

The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP)

The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) is a USDA commodity food program for families at risk of hunger. We work closely with The Maine Department of Agriculture to distribute to local hunger relief agencies.

Culturally Relevant Food

Good Shepherd Food Bank established the Community Redistribution Fund to provide grants directly to grassroots organizations led by and primarily serving communities of color to source and distribute culturally important food.

Our efforts and growth

See how the Food Bank works with federal and local partner agencies to source food.

The Sourcing Team

Meet the team behind our sourcing initiatives.

