September is Hunger Action Month
Hunger impacts people in every corner of the country, including 139,000 people in Maine who are facing hunger – and 1 in 6 children are food insecure.

A state of Hunger
Mainers experience food insecurity
1 in 5
Children face hunger in Maine
Households headed by Black Mainers are food insecure
Maine’s population who has experienced food insecurity
Meals distributed by Good Shepherd Food bank and network partners
Mainers 60+ live in a food insecure household
How to Take Action
For many, a daily meal is a simple choice of what to eat. But for people facing hunger, a daily meal poses a very different type of choice. It’s often an impossible choice between food and other crucial needs, such as electricity, childcare, or medicine.
That’s why Good Shepherd Food Bank is joining Feeding America® food banks nationwide this September to take part in Hunger Action Month™ and inspire people to take action to bring attention to the reality of food insecurity in America.